Information on identification |
Ref. code: | Senat S 229.14.10 |
Ref. code AP: | S 229.14.10 |
Title: | Frankl, Viktor, Verleihung des Ehrendoktorats |
Creation date(s): | 6/20/1985 - 5/23/1986 |
Schachtelnummer: | 572 |
Former reference codes: | GZ 71/10 aus 1984/85 |
Vorhanden: | Yes |
Information on extent |
Extent: | 1 Konvolut |
Format: | A4 |
Archival Material Types: | Akt/Dokument |
Information on context |
City: | Wien |
Information on content and structure |
Content: | Prof. DDr. Viktor Frankl wird das Ehrendoktorat der Naturwissenschaften verliehen. |
Conditions of access and use |
Language: | Deutsch |
Material: | Papier |
Descriptors |
Entries: | Frankl, Viktor Emil (26.03.1905-01.09.1997; Neurologie; Psychiatrie, Logotherapie) (26.03.1905-01.09.1997) (Person\F) |
Containers |
Number: | 1 |
URL for this unit of description |
URL: | |
Social Media |
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