Identification area |
Ref. code: | 106.I.1075 |
Ref. code AP: | 106.I.1075 |
Title: | Hoff, Hans (11.12.1897-23.08.1969; Neurologie, Psychiatrie) |
Content: | eingraviert: Fayer WIEN VIS-A-VIS DER OPER |
Fotograf/Künstler: | Photo Fayer, Wien I. |
Creation date(s): | s. d. (sine dato) |
Former reference codes: | I/205 |
Area of information |
Archival Material Types: | Fotografie |
Color/Image editing: | S/W |
Format Positiv B x H: | 8,7x13,7 |
Format Negativ B x H: | 3x4 (im Extrakuvert) |
Preview: |
Descriptors |
Entries: | Hoff, Hans (11.12.1897-23.08.1969; Psychiatrie und Neurologie) (11.12.1897-23.08.1969) (Person\H) |
Files |
Files: | - 106.I.1075-A.JPG
- 106.I.1075.tif
URL for this unit of description |
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